Rally Obedience


  • 9 am AKC Utility/Open/Novice Obedience semi-private lessons $45/half hour
  • 11:00 am AKC Masters/ Excellent/Advanced group class $100/4 wks
  • 1 pm Novice Rally group class with Joni Puckett 6 class/$175, these rally classes can be used over a 3 month period.

Contact Debbie Moore to join the Tuesday Rally or Competition Obedience classes at (210) 504-6554 or  alamodogobedienceclub@gmail.com please leave a complete message with your full name, dog name and what rally or competition obedience class you are interested in taking. Basic manners II/CGC is a prerequisite for Rally.

This is the next step after Basic Manners I, II, III or CGC!

Download: Registration Application Form for all classes. pdf. format


This class is designed to introduce owners and dogs to the wonderful world of Rally Obedience!  This is a multi-part class that will cover leash work, sit, down, come, Rally Novice signs and much more.  Emphasis is put on teamwork, body/foot and hand communication and eye contact.



K'Lynn Ball & Beau perform in Rally Novice B


Valeska Humphreys & Tiara Kremlin perform in Rally Novice B

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